300+ charities supported

A custom dining experience curated by Maddy Goldberg

Together we create a 6-7 course menu that suits your cravings, food interests and dietary restrictions.


You select a charity that is meaningful to you or your guest of honour.


I donate 10% of the cost of the dinner to the charity of your choice.

Why the donation?

Great food brings people together in one place to eat, drink, and share conversation. Conversation leads to awareness. Awareness promotes action. Action facilitates change.

Conscious spending is a mindful money habit that encourages you to think critically about your purchases, where your money is going, and who it is reaching. Cook Eat Dining aims promote fundraising through food experiences while encouraging others to take the time to research and learn about charitable organizations that are meaningful to them. Creating conversation around charities that are important to you, and thinking consciously about where your money is going are meaningful discussions that will lead to change.

How much does it cost?

Pricing is based on the custom menu we create. Dining experiences range between $100-120 +HST per person.

How do I make a reservation?

Click the button below to submit a request. Please note that I am only accepting reservations a maximum of three months in advance.